We’re all quite familiar with Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Some of us even know about Grandparents Day (September 11, 2011.) But did you know that Auntie’s Day is July 24? Leave it to a savvy lifestyle expert to come up with a celebration for nearly 50 percent of American women who are not moms but do a lot for the children in their lives.
When Melanie Notkin first became an Auntie in 2001, she found herself concerned by the lack of modern resources for Aunties—especially those who had no children of their own, were having children later in life, or opting out of motherhood. After interviewing dozens of Aunties, she understood that with an authentic love for children and discretionary income, these modern Aunts had the potential to become Savvy Aunties and put their time and money where their heart is.
In 2007, Melanie founded SavvyAuntie.com and two years later Auntie’s Day. The holiday is intended to thank, honor and celebrate the aunt in a child’s life, whether she is an Auntie by Relation, Auntie by Choice, or godmother, for everything she does for a child not-her-own. Melanie has dubbed this powerful and influential segment of American women PANKs—Professional Aunts No Kids.
On Auntie’s Day, SavvyAuntie.com will feature ideas on how parents and nieces and nephews can celebrate the Savvy Auntie in their lives and how aunts can pamper and treat themselves on their special day.
“It’s time that all women in the American Family Village are honored for their selfless giving to the children in their lives,” said Melanie. “An aunt is there to provide ‘QualAuntie Time’ and experiences as a loving caregiver and ‘ConfidAunt’ to her nieces and nephews from the day they are born and as they grow up. Many women without children of their own also give tirelessly to children all over the world. These ‘BenevolAunt’ are due their day to be honored.”
Melanie’s nieces always give her a flower on Auntie’s Day and her nephew makes sure she has a cake with flowers on it. She also gets plenty of hugs, kisses and handmade cards.
“Being an aunt is the best gift I ever got. Those kids are the joy of my life and my inspiration. They mean everything to me.”
I wish I had found this last week. My sister has been instrumental in my children’s lives. Years later she is a big part of my grand children’s lives. God Bless all the wonderful. giving, loving Aunts.
I love this idea! My sister has been a wonderfully active and loving aunt to my children and is now an equally wonderful great-aunt to my grandkids. She has one daughter, so she doesn’t really qualify as a PANK, but she would make a marvelous honorary member!