Welcome to GaGa Sisterhood

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Guide For Grandmas

When Being a Grandma Isn't So Grand - Author Donne Davis

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Whether you’re a brand-new grandma, a seasoned grandma, or a grandma-at-heart, you’ve come to the right place. The GaGa Sisterhood has a wealth of resources for grandmas who are totally “gaga” for their grandchildren.

As the founder of the GaGa Sisterhood, I’ve been curating resources for grandmas since I first became one in 2003. I know firsthand how complicated the role can be. When you and your grandchild’s parents begin the exciting journey of welcoming this precious new being into the family, your lives will be forever changed.

You will experience the highest highs and possibly the lowest lows as you grow into your title of “Grandma” or “Nana” or “Noni” or a host of other grandma names. Whether you’re “Kiki” or “Baba,” (my grandma name,) choosing your grandma moniker may be your first big decision.

Donne Davis

Donne Davis
Founder of
GaGa Sisterhood

The content on this website includes twenty years of blog posts that offer advice on how to begin this exciting new relationship, book recommendations, ways to stay connected with your grandchildren, long-distance grandparenting advice, self-care and much more.

Be sure to click on our Resources page, where you’ll find links to our favorite grandparent websites. On our Press page, you’ll find links to podcasts and articles featuring my conversations with hosts about the ins and outs of being a grandma.

How Ga Ga Sisterhood Was Born

History of GaGa Sisterhood

Idea grew out of passion for becoming a grandma

My idea for GaGa Sisterhood grew out of my passion for becoming a grandma after witnessing the birth of my first grandchild, Juliet on April 26, 2003.

Immediately, I wanted to find kindred sisters who shared my enthusiasm, and boy did I! So many grandmas have graced my life over 20 years — it’s hard to quantify.
For two decades GaGa Sisterhood was a growing national membership organization. The organization provided “gaga” grandmas a place to bond, brag, and benefit.

Contact Me

Contact me if you need an article on grandparenting, a guest on your podcast or a speaker for your organization.

For more than twenty years, I’ve been writing and speaking on the joys and challenges of modern grandparents as well as the importance of rituals and traditions for families.

Drop a note to me on the Contact Form.

Over the Years

From our first meeting on December 7, 2003 to our last farewell meeting on December 7, 2023, grandmas have shared their stories and touched my heart.

For two decades, the GaGa Sisterhood has always been a labor of love for me. I produced regular blog posts and newsletters for our growing audience of grandmas. Over the years, the format of the group evolved but my mission remained firm — to inspire grandmas to keep growing and learning along with our children and grandchildren.

Since COVID, it became more laborious trying to juggle two almost disparate groups — our original local Silicon Valley grandmas and our newer online community from all over the U.S. (sometimes even Australia) The other difference was the age of our grandchildren. Lots of our members felt they’ve “aged out” because their grandchildren were teenagers and older. Finding speakers and topics that appealed to all ages became more challenging.

As I faced these challenges, I realized it was time for me to step down from hosting regular meetings and bid farewell to our GaGa Sisterhood members.

20 years -December 7, 2003 to December 7, 2023

On December 7, 2023, our GaGa Sisterhood members met for our last formal meeting. While there will be some small, local franchised GaGa Sisterhood groups who will continue to meet in their local neighborhoods, we are no longer continuing GaGa Sisterhood as a national online membership organization.

Going forward

Many ask me what’s next? I’ll continue to enjoy my three precious grandchildren and family. I’ll write articles and do some speaking on some of my favorite topics — the joys and challenges of modern grandparenting and rituals and traditions. I’m available for podcasts, panels, and public speaking opportunities.

Contact me if you or your organization needs a speaker. I look forward to staying in touch.  Drop a note to me on our Contact Form.

GaGa Sisterhood Resources

Link to Blog- 20 years of blog posts to inspire grandmas to keep growing and learning

Link to Resources - GaGa Sisterhood’s favorite grandparent websites

Link to Media and Press Clippings - links to podcasts and articles featuring me and the GaGa Sisterhood

Ask GaGa - send a note to connect

Visit GaGa Sisterhood Blog

20 years of posts about topics grandmas need to know

Our Blog contains 20 years of grandparent-focused content. Below are excerpts from some random posts published during the past 20 years. Click on the excerpt link to read the entire post. Also, you can search all the posts by Topic, when you visit our Blog Page.

Rekindling Friendships After Loss

By Donne Davis | October 17, 2018

As we age, making time for friends can get interrupted by other more pressing priorities — aging parents, young grandchildren, and ill spouses. But friends are essential for our health and well-being.

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When Grandmas Gather Magic Happens

By Donne Davis | May 28, 2019

Many of us are starved for meaningful connection. We want more than small talk. Women are grateful to share sacred space. Sharing deep feelings is a powerful experience.

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Hold Onto Memories in Your Journal

By Donne Davis | January 25, 2016

Can you think of one event or moment that’s created an indelible memory of your grandchild? Wouldn’t it be nice if you wrote it down in a journal to preserve it?

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Grandmother Power Celebrated in Museum Exhibit

By Donne Davis | October 25, 2013

The Grand Rapids Public Museum opened an exhibit devoted to celebrating grandmothers. The exhibit is based on Paola Gianturco’s book Grandmother Power: A Global Phenomenon.

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Grandmothers Are the Support Cast, Not the Star

By Donne Davis | December 17, 2019

Author Kathleen Stassen Berger shares some sage advice for grandmothers on how to be supportive of their adult children rather than overbearing or interfering.

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Share Your Ancestry with the Grandchildren

By Donne Davis | March 29, 2021

Family history is an important part of a person’s identity and we are a link to that history. We can help our grandchildren understand more about themselves by sharing our lineage and life stories.

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Patience Can Be Learned 

By Donne Davis | April 19, 2021

With the right attitudes and a bit of practice, we can learn to harness the power of patience in our lives. It’s a combination of motivation (wanting to,) awareness (paying attention to our inner landscape,) and cultivation (practicing.) Patience is a human quality that can be strengthened. We already have it but we’re just not always aware of what helps us be patient, what triggers our impatience, or what to do when our patience wears thin.

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Grandparents and Grandchildren Share a Common Ally

By Donne Davis | January 21, 2013

Your relationship with your grandchild is embedded in the relationship with your adult child and his spouse. They’re the gatekeepers to a successful relationship with your grandchildren.

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Cool Grandpa Podcast Features GaGa Sisterhood Founder

By Donne Davis | May 16, 2022

Greg Payne, the host of the Cool Grandpa podcast, interviewed me on his show. We had a lively conversation about how much the role of grandparent has changed over the years.

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Books About Dolls for 7 to 10 Year Olds

By Donne Davis | August 16, 2011

I recently read The Doll People to my 8-year old granddaughter who loved it. Here are some of our other favorite books about dolls for 7 to 10 year old readers.

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When Children Spell

By Donne Davis | February 9, 2009

From the time Juliet was a toddler she’s always been keenly observant. Even when you don’t think she’s listening and understanding, she is. And when she doesn’t understand what’s going on, she’ll ask: What are you talking about? When my daughter doesn’t want Juliet to know what we’re talking about, she uses the age-old trick of spelling a few keys words, for example: Have you decided on a G-I-F-T for her B-I-R-T-H-D-A-Y?

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Cold Weather Activities For Children

By Donne Davis | December 23, 2010

I just read about a fun winter activity to do with your grandchildren—track the temperature where you live. The idea comes from Rebecca Cohen, founder of Rebecca Plants.

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This Love I Know By Name

By Donne Davis | June 13, 2011

Today’s guest author, Tess Hardwick, is a novelist and playwright who writes about how her relationship with her mother changed after she became a mother.

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Celebrating a Friend’s Passing with a Garden of Flowers

By Donne Davis | July 3, 2012

My friend asked friends and relatives to celebrate the passing of her partner by bringing flowers. The room glowed with hydrangeas, sunflowers, roses, star gazers, and lilies.

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7 Ways to Beat the Post Vacation Blues

By Donne Davis | April 21, 2010

Do you slip into a funk when you return from a vacation? Here are a few rules to deal with those feelings.

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The Granny Diaries: A Guide for Grandmothers

By Donne Davis | December 4, 2008

I wish Adair Lara had written her book, The Granny Diaries, when I first became a grandma. I would have felt so much better about all the mistakes I’ve made over the past five years. I just finished her 119-page book

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Advice to New Moms: Bring in the Grandparents

By Donne Davis | May 22, 2017

What do new moms really need to know? My advice to new moms would be to bring in the grandparents.

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A Simple Suggestion to Reduce Waste on Earth Day

By Donne Davis | April 22, 2010

On the 40th anniversary of Earth Day I have a simple suggestion for reducing waste. Sign up for Catalog Choice, a free service that eliminates unwanted mail delivered to your home.

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Crunch a Color Rewards Picky Eaters for Eating Healthy Foods

By Donne Davis | January 20, 2012

Do you have a picky eater in your family? Then you’re going to love Crunch A Color, a new card game that makes it fun to eat healthy foods. The game comes with tips for parents.

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Avoid the Pitfalls of Procrastination

By Donne Davis | February 16, 2022

Procrastination is a clarity blocker that interrupts our flow. Procrastination coach Dr. Christine Li provides tips to avoid the pitfalls of procrastination and overcome them.

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“I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed yesterday’s meeting, my first. What a lovely, dynamic bunch of women!”… Susan

“Thank you so much for the wonderful opportunity to join the GaGa sisterhood. I really enjoyed everyone and the common bond we all share in our own way as Grandmothers. It is surely a great group of women and I loved how open hearted everyone was, I felt very much at home”… Mary Beth

“I get many newsletters. By far, I’d say yours is one of the most interesting and useful” … Helga

“Usually I avoid groups, but the GaGa Sisterhood is very special and I enjoy the meetings, the subjects, and the other grandmas tremendously. Thank you for creating this group and keeping us going”… Carolyn

“Your Sisterhood organization information has been so helpful in preparing me for this unexpectedly rewarding time of life. Thank you” … Carolynn

“Thanks for sending the GaGazine. All of your tips and work are so valuable and fill such a need in uniting three generations”… Berna

“Your newsletter is consistently informative. I don’t know how you do it, but you write the best e-newsletters. I read every part of it. I am sorry that I missed this meeting, but your newsletter brought me up to date.  Thank you”… Carol

“Every meeting has offered something to take away with me ~ some little nugget of advice, some inspiration, a closer connection with another GaGa”… Susan

“You are in for lots of treats as our GaGa gatherings are always very enjoyable”… Kathleen

“After meeting all of you, I’ve been inspired by how you nurture your grandchildren and how GaGa Sisterhood is truly a place for us to be nurtured. You are a wonderful group of ladies and I am proud to have become a member”… Carol

“Your GaGazine is awesome!  Colorful, straightforward, and loaded with information”… Len

“The GaGazine is a real winner!”… Joyce

“You always produce an enjoyable must read. I look forward to every new issue. Keep up the Grand work!”… Christine

“I really had a transformative experience this afternoon! I came home and described the meeting in detail to my husband who was very interested and so pleased that I had this opportunity. The women were so open, and willing to share their experiences and caring attitudes! I will definitely join the group and hope to eventually bring some friends along too!”….Sue

“Thank you for being the very special, loving and caring person that you are. You are so generous to share your natural talents as our leader, to be better grandparents and people. We continue to learn much in many ways...from the speakers you bring to us, by the friendships and commonalities, to the fun and laughs, and even tears we share.  It is truly the very best, because of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you, dear Donne”…. Carol

“You plan such lovely meetings for all of us. I have developed two new friendships from our group, for which I will be ever grateful”… Bev

“What a wonderful GaGa Sisterhood meeting! The way you organized it worked so well and the questions really generated discussion in a most meaningful way. Hats off to you for figuring out how to make it work!”… Marcia

“The GaGa Sisterhood provides not only a place to brag, bond and benefit, but also a place for support, sharing and just plain silliness as we explore who we are as active, involved and evolving grandmothers”… Susan

“I feel very fortunate to have discovered GaGa Sisterhood while visiting my daughter who recently moved to California from the East Coast where I live. I’ve attended just a couple of meetings so far but those meetings and the women I’ve met there have helped me feel more at home at “my home away from home”. Because of this, I am trying to time my future visits to the West Coast, whenever possible, to match the bi-monthly GaGa Sisterhood meetings”… Marcia

“I love the speakers who present at our GaGa Sisterhood meetings.  They are always the highest caliber professionals and they always have something really interesting to say”… Carol

“I really enjoy meeting with this group of women. They are far more informed than the grandma’s of yesteryear. Moreover, they are willing to open up, share, and be enlightened by others. The group of women is very eclectic–each woman has a unique and individual gift to bring to our circle.”… Lisa

“I enjoyed the meeting today. It felt like a comfortable, supportive and fun place to be. Thanks for organizing this group. I think it is a good fit for me and I look forward to future get togethers”… Ricka

“Great meeting. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Very supportive and collegial. Thanks for creating such a warm environment”… Berna

“Thank you for an absolutely outstanding GaGa meeting this afternoon. I feel fortunate to be a part of this lovely group of women. It was an exceptional meeting and I appreciated how honest and genuine everyone was.”… Cheri

“I loved today’s GaGa meeting, it was enlightening and ever so much fun! I can’t wait until the next one in September. So glad I am now a part of this wonderful group of Grandmas!”… Carol

“I admire the way you run the meetings, how inclusive you are, and, mostly, the fact that you created this group out of a common life event–being a grandmother” .... Miriam

“What a treat to be able to share this amazing grandmother experience with those that ‘get it!’ Such a joy!”

"Being a part of The GaGa Sisterhood is such an incredible gift! I love the intellectual stimulation and the building of new relationships. I hope you understand what an incredible experience you're offering to so many of us. You truly are a blessing and I deeply appreciate all you do to make our meetings so meaningful"  .....  Kate

"Your newsletter has great information that's given me inspiration and wisdom on my journey as a grandparent." .... Diane

"Thank you for all you do for us. You enrich our lives and expand our minds" ... LH

Some Kudos GaGa Sisterhood Received Over The Years

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