The GaGa Sisterhood began with a membership chapter in Silicon Valley (Bay Area California). Later on, there were grandmas in New Jersey who wanted the opportunity to meet locally, so they became a franchise GaGa Sisterhood group.
Then during the Covid-19 era, when no one was able to meet in person, we evolved to a national Zoom membership. Once it was possible to again meet in person, we moved to a structure of some local in-person meetings. Also, we continued with our Zoom meetings, which were able to reach grandmas across the USA, and even some grandmas as far away as Australia and other locations.
- Bay Area California Chapter – visit this page for pictures
Our ‘original’ home chapter was located in Silicon Valley (Bay Area California) and for many years provided year-round in-person meetings. In 2020 – 21 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit us all, these in-person meetings had to stop temporarily – and we took the opportunity to develop and offer meetings via Zoom. Later on, in 2022 the in-person meetings have again been able to resume.
- New Jersey Chapter – (remote franchised Chapter) – visit this page for pictures
GaGa Sisterhood has a franchised chapter located in New Jersey, providing all our East Coast GaGas with the opportunities to meet there in person from time to time.