I’ve always loved celebrating my birthday and the older I get the more precious they become. Last week I celebrated by spending the day in Tiburon, CA. I took a walk along the water and felt grateful to be alive on this spectacular morning. An old friend wrote to wish me a Happy Birthday and added: I am just VERY happy to be having birthdays. I completely agree with her. I remember my Grandma Amelia used to tell people who complained about getting old: consider the alternative!
Coincidentally, the next day I received an invitation from the American Cancer Society to spread the word on their new campaign for the world’s biggest fight for less cancer and more birthdays. Check out this very cool video for their campaign.
This post is sponsored by the American Cancer Society
They also have a fabulous website where you can customize a birthday greeting sung by one of over 50 well-known musicians. Take a look and make someone you know smile on their birthday.
Happy Birthday, Donne!
About the richness of growing in years: Thought you’d appreciate this from a friend, who, as she and I wondered whether we could get away for a beach weekend, said, “There’s so much to share…raising kids, growing businesses, aging, when to be content…”